Release Form

File Release Sign Off

  • Overview

    Please read the entire form, mark all that apply, before clicking the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page. By completing and submitting this form, you are signing off to approve the project as final and approving Acktivate Digital Marketing to proceed with releasing the requested project to the vendor.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • I understand this approval gives authorization for Acktivate Digital Marketing to proceed with releasing files to the vendor. I acknowledge this approval releases Acktivate Digital Marketing from responsibility of the project upon my approval and my submission of this document and, hence forth, I take full responsibility for the project. I acknowledge that Acktivate Digital Marketing is not responsible for obtaining permission for use of intellectual property supplied by me to Acktivate Digital Marketing for my use. I take full responsibility for obtaining rights for any text, photos or original art submitted to Acktivate Digital Marketing for publication. Thank you!
  • Clear Signature